Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Breaking The Bottle On The Bow

The good ship HMS My Backpacking Trip is about to set sail! In an airplane! Which is where the metaphor falls apart. In just under a week, I'll be off to southern climes. The last month has consisted of a relatively relaxing sojourn at home - I've been learning Spanish and trying to get organized. The state of my current Spanish skills could be generously described as "poor". There is a lot to do, since this trip is multi-country, two months long, and solo. It is just so, so much bigger than any travelling I've done before, and I'm undertaking it for no real reason other than the interest and excitement of travel, which is kind of a good way to go. Since I'll be starting a "real" job this spring, this is a convenient chance to take off for a while. I had considered doing a service or volunteering trip, but ultimately I couldn't seem to find a volunteering trip that was both within my budget and between the two key dates on my itinerary: a wedding and my grandmother's birthday. So this was an alternate idea at first, but I think it has developed into a pretty exciting itinerary.

First, I will spend ten days with one of my oldest friends, Katie, at her scenic tropical veterinary school. In all honesty, I have little idea of what I will do in Grenada, beyond taking up floor space with my sleeping bag. But I trust my local guide! As long as the week includes high-quality girl time, some exploration of the island, and a drink with an umbrella in it, I shall be content.

Second, I will spend a week in Havana (or Habana, if we're being extra-Spanish). The purpose of that trip is to attend the wedding of an my university friend Kelly. It is a tale as old as time: she went on exchange and came back with a Cuban boyfriend, and now they're getting married. I haven't yet met her intended, but if he is even half as lovely as his fiancee, then he's a catch.

Third, I will spend a month in Argentina. The first week will be spent in Buenos Aires, followed by a trip to Patagonia for various hikes. I'll work my way north on the extensive bus system, stopping to hike and look around before returning to Buenos Aires and taking a further bus trip to Iguazu Falls. Argentina is noted for wine and ice cream, so if I don't come back that is probably why. I've also decided to be a "contingency-flexible vegetarian" for the trip, and if the menu is looking seriously limited then I'll partake of some of that legendary Argentinean beef. Argentina is going to be the really challenging part of the trip, because I'll be entirely on my own, with no friends or fellow wedding guests around me, in a country where I barely speak the language. Hopefully everything goes relatively smoothly and the hostels are as friendly and accommodating as I've heard they are!

Fourth and finally, I'll be spending a few days in Arizona for my grandma's birthday. I haven't been to visit her in a long time - such a long time, in fact, that she lived in Florida the last time I went south to see her! She's making a slow and painstaking recovery from valley fever at the moment, but with luck and the excellent care of my aunt, uncle, and mother, she'll be feeling up to snuff in time for her birthday party.

Then I'll fly back to Canada and sleep for an entire weekend before starting work. Hopefully I will be wiser but not sadder, and enriched by new experiences and new people. Maybe I will even have learned to tango!

This blog was set up to chronicle my trip. I hope to update it frequently, albeit irregularly, with photos and stories, so do stay tuned!