Saturday, February 21, 2009

Grenader Remainder

It's been a very exciting and educational couple of weeks! I apologize for the length of time between updates. I didn't get a chance to update before departing Grenada, due to Girl Time with Katie. In Cuba, Internet access is not terrifically hard to come by (especially not as a tourist) but it is wicked expensive. Plus, Havana is really interesting and thus I was a pretty busy sightseer!

My last week in Grenada was passed doing extensive chilling out with Katie. I was there on Tuesday, when she got the sad news from home that the health of her cat, Figaro, had deteriorated to the extent that the family decided to put him down. I was also there on her birthday, which started out with us spending two and a half hours waiting in line for a mandatory annual vehicle inspection (boo!) and ended with us eating veggie lasagna and cupcakes with her roommates, before a last outing to Bananas, to sit in the warm tropical night for an hour or so.

Here is the horrible line of cars for the inspection.

Here is how we passed the time: physiology revision for Katie, photography and iPod-surfing for your humble correspondent.

But then it was off to Toronto for an eight-hour stay at Colleen's Home for Wayward Backpackers! I was able to get this shot of the SGU campus from the dilapidated little LIAT plane flying me to Barbados.

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